When the students have all been settled into class and their seats have been assigned, it is necessary to set the class parameters. Students need to know the classroom procedures and the teacher's expectations. This information is especially important for the ninth grade students who are new to the high school.
Ninth grade students will by and large exhibit middle school behaviors for much of the school year, especially the boys. The girls tend to be more mature although a number of them will continue the slutty language that tends to be fairly common among middle school students.
The information below is given to my ninth grade students on the first day of class and is taken home to be signed by their parents. It pretty much covers my expectations. Then I have included two additional forms for you that I use when a student becomes a problem. The one is for behavior and the other is for language.
Next blog I will discuss how to handle the disrupting student.
Grading Policy
You will receive points for each and everything that you do. At the end of each marking period, I divide the points you earned by the total points possible. The resulting percentage determines your grade.
Class work
You are responsible for making up work that is completed during an absence.
Wednesday from 2:45 to 4:00 is set aside as make up time for students who need to complete makeup work and tests.
Hall Passes
You will be given two hall passes at the start of each quarter for bathroom privileges. They are for emergency use only. Use the facilities before or after class, not on my time.
An important part of your grade is determined through testing. If you are absent for a test or quiz, you may only make it up before or after school. It must be made up within two weeks, or it is recorded as a zero.
A homework assignment is given periodically. All homework is to be done individually unless I assign partners. Homework one day or more late receives a 50% deduction. Once an assignment is returned, that particular assignment will no longer be accepted as late work. To make it up for half credit, another assignment on the same material may be completed. The student must specifically request the desired assignment. No late work will be accepted within five school days of the end of the quarter.
Returned papers
I will return papers by placing them into a class bin. It is up to students to retrieve their papers from that bin. Papers with no name will be placed into that same bin. Periodically the bin will be dumped into recycling. I do not lose papers so do not try to use that to explain any incomplete work.
Class Behavior/Participation Grade
Each student can earn 10 points per week in this grade category. Participate, obey class rules, and do not disrupt class activities.
Cell Phones
Turn them off and keep them in your backpack. If anyone, including a parent calls you during class and you attempt to answer, I will assign you a lunch detention. If I catch you texting, I will assign you a lunch detention. If that consequence does not change your cell phone behavior, I will refer you to the office for class disruption.
Slutty and profane language is not acceptable in my classroom. There will be consequences and parent involvement in the consequence. Saying you are sorry is not sufficient and usually insincere.
Sexual harassment
Students are aware of what constitutes sexual harassment and I will do immediate referral to the office for anything I overhear in the way of improper sexual comments or innuendos.
Semester Grades
I use the cumulative method to determine a semester average. The final exam is factored in as percentage of your semester average.
Copying or using someone else’s work/answers without the permission of the teacher is cheating. Plagiarism of written work from texts or the internet is also cheating.
The first offense results in zero credit for the assignment. A second offense will require a failure for the semester.
High School Credit
Each semester of Natural Resources has a value of .5 credits. Passing both semesters will provide 1 credit of science. Presently 2 credits of science are required for graduation. Failure to earn this credit will require a student to take an additional science class.
If you cannot live within these classroom standards, then get a schedule change. By staying in my class, you are agreeing to follow them to the best of your ability.
Write the following statement ten times and have this paper signed by one of your parents or guardians. Failure to do so will result in my assigning lunch detention or doing an office referral for class disruption.
Name ____________________________________
I have been uncooperative in my science class and realize that this type of behavior will have a bad affect on my grade. I have been wasting work time and distracting others.
You have used the word ___________ in my classroom. Write the following statement ten times and have this paper signed by one of your parents or guardians. Failure to do so will result in my assigning lunch detention or doing an office referral for inappropriate language.
Name ____________________________________
The use of profanity in the classroom is not only inappropriate, it also reflects badly upon me and my reputation. I must learn to show the maturity expected of a high school student and work to be less offensive in my vocabulary.
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