Monday, August 29, 2011


  Back To School Day

The first day of school can set the tone for the whole year.  Making a good impression is all important. But what is a good impression? I remember my first day of school that was also my first day as a teacher. It was January and I had been hired to teach math in a junior-high school. Three previous substitute teachers had walked out of the position. I was given fair warning and decided to take the “prick” approach. I was 21 at the time and my class of juniors had some eighteen year old boys with real attitudes.

I remember how nervous I was when I entered the building and was shown my room. The students did not know what to expect and were somewhat cowed for the first few weeks as I acted like one nasty S.O.B. Eventually I relented a bit and gradually lost control of the oldest class. However, I had made it into May before that happened and I managed to “hang on” until the end of school.

Having had my baptism under fire I started the next year with some confidence and once again exhibited a nasty, cranky disposition at the beginning of the school year. As a gradually eased up on the students the classes went along quite well. The students knew the boundaries within my classroom as far as behaviors were concerned. The only propblems were with some of the students from the previous year’s junior math class. I was teaching science but had to work with them in a study hall situation. It took quite a bit of effort to restablish control over these particular students, but I managed.

By my third year I was experienced enough to establish my classroom parameters with just a few weeks of frowning and as the years have passed I have managed to begin each new year with very few problems.

Most students want to work with their teachers and don’t think of their teachers as being “regular people”. They like to do things to please the teacher (especially at the start of the year) and don’t want to spend a year in conflict. Some students prefer to agitate and tend to disrupt the proceedings. Sometimes a teacher has a reputation that can either work to help or hinder the opening day process depending upon what it is.

The first couple of weeks are ther time to establish control and set the class parameters. Students are unsure of themselves, especially ninth graders, and can be easily taught how to conduct themselves in your classroom. In forty years, only two times did I have classes that were disruptive from the first time they walked in my door.

I remember Ray, a new teacher, who had it all figured out. The students and he were going to be friends and everyone would work together to learn. The first day he told his students to address him as Ray, not Mr. _____. It took three days for him to rescind that privilege and another three weeks to establish a good learning environment.

I recommend several ways to get started on the first day.

Greeting: Meet students at the door, make eye contact (most hate that), and introduce yourself. Shaking hands is an option unless it makes you feel too uncomfortable. Don’t be some sort of a smiling fool while doing this and don’t have a rod up your ass either. Have a welcoming expression on your face without appearing to be a phony.

Seating: Have seats assigned for the students on your original class list. Put the seating chart on the overhead or projector oriented in the proper direction so the students can see where to sit. Never let students pick their own seats.

Welcome everyone: Never complain to a student if he/she is not on your class list. Everyone needs to be made welcome and wanted by the teacher. Have a seating chart and assign the student a seat at the first oportunity.

Sincerity: Kids can spot a faker a mile away. Be sincere in welcoming students to your room. Wait a few minutes after the tardy bell for students still finding their classes.

Free Time: Don’t give them any on the first day. You are setting a classroom routine. Make it a good routine.

Introductions: After taking care of attendance, introduce yourself and talk about some of the more interesting things they will be doing while in your class. Be formal with them and any friendliness need to be done in a reserved manner. Have each student state his/her name and talk a bit about what they like to do when not in school (make notes).

Rules and Regulations: Set them out the first day. Be clear and concise and don’t overdo it. Give each student a copy and post them in the room.

First Lesson: As a science teacher I have some advantages. The first day I prepare some sort of a demonstration to focus student interest. I want them to look forward to coming to my class everyday.

No Wasted Time: Keep students busy that first day. It sets the tone for the year.

The Only Line Crossing is at the Alamo: There has to be a line drawn between the teacher and the students. That line will be a different distance from each teacher depending upon the teacher’s clasroom skills and personality, but it has to be there. A teacher is not there to be a friend to his/her students. That teacher is there to be a role model. Start being one the first day. Have that line be thick and firm on the first day and it can be moved toward the teacher as the year progresses. But always have it there.

Hard to Soft: It is a lot easier to go from being hardnosed and demanding to a more giving demeanor than it is to go the other way.

These are guidelines to help you survive the first day and to set the tone for the rest of the school year. Other experienced teachers may use variations upon these steps but I find they work very well for me.

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